Why They Can_t Write Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities

Why They Can't Write Killing the Five-Paragraph Essay and Other Necessities

criado em: 10:46 20-12-2022


Por que eles não podem escrever o ensaio de cinco parágrafos e outras necessidades

Há uma crise na capacidade de escrita dos estudantes universitários. Isto não se deve a uma falta de rigor, smartphones ou algum defeito de caráter geracional, mas é o resultado de um ensino de redação errado. O problema está enraizado na reforma educacional centrada na padronização, avaliações e prestação de contas, o que levou os estudantes a serem condicionados a realizar "simulações relacionadas à escrita" em vez de desenvolver suas habilidades de escrita. Este estilo de ensino tornou os estudantes passivos e desvinculados e não os preparou para escrever na faculdade. "Why They Can't Write" de John Warner oferece um diagnóstico do problema e um plano para consertar o sistema quebrado através de uma combinação de conhecimentos atuais sobre ensino e aprendizagem e filosofias educacionais clássicas.

Livro de John Warner — publicado 17 de março 2020.

There seems to be widespread agreement that--when it comes to the writing skills of college students--we are in the midst of a crisis. In Why They Can't Write, John Warner, who taught writing at the college level for two decades, argues that the problem isn't caused by a lack of rigor, or smartphones, or some generational character defect. Instead, he asserts, we're teaching writing wrong.

Warner blames this on decades of educational reform rooted in standardization, assessments, and accountability. We have done no more, Warner argues, than conditioned students to perform "writing-related simulations," which pass temporary muster but do little to help students develop their writing abilities. This style of teaching has made students passive and disengaged. Worse yet, it hasn't prepared them for writing in the college classroom. Rather than making choices and thinking critically, as writers must, undergraduates simply follow the rules--such as the five-paragraph essay--designed to help them pass these high-stakes assessments.

In Why They Can't Write, Warner has crafted both a diagnosis for what ails us and a blueprint for fixing a broken system. Combining current knowledge of what works in teaching and learning with the most enduring philosophies of classical education, this book challenges readers to develop the skills, attitudes, knowledge, and habits of mind of strong writers.