onde começa o antropoceno


criado em: 12:21 2023-01-16


fonte the guardian


  1. Os cientistas estão tentando definir o início do Antropoceno, escolhendo um lugar e um tempo que marca o momento em que os seres humanos se tornaram uma "superpotência geológica".
  2. Os marcadores do Antropoceno incluem isótopos de plutônio de testes de bombas H, partículas carbonosas esferoidais de carvão ou óleo pesado, poluição plástica, ossos de frango, criação agrícola, espécies invasoras, poluição química e metálica, e pólen de espécies vegetais introduzidas.
  3. Os 12 locais potenciais para o local que definirão a nova época, são aqueles que mostram alguns dos marcadores e ilustram a dramática transformação do Antropoceno.
  4. A hora e o local oficiais para o início do Antropoceno serão determinados por 23 membros votantes do Grupo de Trabalho Antropoceno e serão ratificados pela União Internacional de Ciências Geológicas até 2024.
  5. O Antropoceno é um termo filosófico crítico, permitindo que as pessoas pensem no impacto que os humanos têm tido, estão tendo e querem ter no futuro.

When Did the Anthropocene Actually Begin?

Scientists want to pinpoint the technology that marked when humanity became a “geological superpower.” On the short list: the H-bomb and the modern chicken.

Scientists are currently trying to decide on a specific place and time that marks the beginning of the Anthropocene, an epoch in which humanity has become a "geological superpower" and overwhelmed natural processes on Earth. They are considering various options such as the hydrogen bomb tests in 1952, the surge in fossil-fuel power plants after WWII, the explosion in artificial fertiliser use and its impact on the Earth's natural nitrogen cycle. An international team of scientists has shortlisted 12 possible sites and are voting to decide on one winner. The Anthropocene is characterized by humanity's impact on the atmosphere, oceans, and living world through greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, and the destruction of wildlife and ecosystems. Humans now also have a greater effect on shaping the Earth's surface than natural processes.

Scientists are trying to define the Anthropocene, a new period of time that recognizes the changes that humans have made to the world. They are looking for clear markers of these changes in the atmosphere, in the populations and locations of species, and in the landscape and climate. This definition will help people understand the changes and work to repair the damage.

Scientists found a special type of dust in ice from Antarctica. This type of dust comes from nuclear tests during the Cold War and burning coal and oil. Scientists use this dust to tell when things happened in the past.

Plastic pollution is a big problem that is caused by humans. It can be found all over the world, from the top of mountains to the bottom of the ocean. Scientists have noticed that plastic has changed the world so much that they call it the "plastic age". Chickens are now the biggest population of birds and two-thirds of large animals are domesticated. This has caused a 70% reduction in the population size of wild animals.

Scientists are studying how humans have changed the environment and are looking for markers to prove it. They have found that pollution from ships, trees, chemicals and metals have changed many places. Scientists are looking at 12 different places to find the best marker of the change. They have already found some that show changes every year.

Scientists are looking at different places in the world to figure out when the "Anthropocene" (the time when humans started to have a big effect on the planet) started. They are looking at things like ice cores, sediments, and archaeological sites to help them decide. After a lot of research, they will have to get it approved by a lot of different people before it is official. It is an important discovery that shows humans have an impact on the world.

Scientists believe that humans have had such a big impact on the planet that a new geological time period, called the Anthropocene, has begun. Scientists Mark Maslin and Simon Lewis said that it is important to think about how humans have affected the planet, and what we can do to help.