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Based on your notes, the main themes covered by the category "Literatura" can be inferred from the Wikilinks listed in the note NOTAS DE LITERATURA. Here is a detailed analysis, listing the themes from most relevant to least relevant:

  1. Contemporary Literary Criticism and Theory: This includes discussions on modern literary theories and critiques, as seen in notes about Pier Paolo Pasolini, Donna Haraway, Alexander R. Galloway, Tiziana Terranova, and Jodi Dean. These notes suggest a focus on how contemporary thinkers interpret and critique literature.

  2. Prominent Literary Figures and Their Works: This theme covers detailed studies and reviews of works by significant authors such as Wislawa Szymborska, Elif Batuman, Fiodor Dostoiévski, Albert Camus, Julio Cortázar, Thomas Mann, Salman Rushdie, and others. The notes indicate a strong emphasis on understanding the contributions of these authors to literature.

  3. Writing Techniques and Practices: Notes such as "Como Escrever Bem," "A práxis do escritor," and "A reescrita é crucial" highlight the importance of writing techniques and practices. This theme explores how writers can improve their craft, focusing on practical advice and methodologies.

  4. Postmodern and Contemporary Literature: This includes notes on postmodernism, cosmodernism, and planetarism, as well as specific works like "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith and "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon. These notes suggest an interest in the themes and styles that define contemporary literature.

  5. Literary Genres and Movements: Notes on genres such as hardboiled fiction, autofiction, and ergodic literature indicate an exploration of various literary genres and movements. This theme examines how different genres contribute to the literary landscape.

  6. Philosophical and Sociopolitical Contexts in Literature: Notes such as "O comentário sociopolítico em Gravity's Rainbow" and "A Ferida da Infância - Walter Benjamin sobre Dostoievski" suggest an interest in the philosophical and sociopolitical contexts that influence literature. This theme explores how literature reflects and critiques societal issues.

  7. Literary Analysis and Interpretation: This includes notes on specific literary works and their analysis, such as "A busca por uma reinvenção do olhar em Szymborska" and "O percurso político de Wislawa Szymborska." This theme focuses on interpreting and understanding the deeper meanings and themes within literary works.

  8. Reading Practices and Habits: Notes like "5 pontos-chave para aquele que planejam ler mais" and "6 ERROS PARA SE MANTER LEITOR" highlight the importance of reading practices and habits. This theme explores how readers can enhance their reading experiences and maintain consistent reading habits.

  9. Literature and Other Disciplines: Notes such as "Por que a matemática e a literatura são uma fórmula vencedora" and "A teórica que vê a matemática na arte, na música e na escrita" indicate an interest in the intersection of literature with other disciplines. This theme examines how literature interacts with fields like mathematics, art, and music.

  10. Literary Reviews and Recommendations: This includes book reviews and recommendations, as seen in notes like "Book Review – Once Upon a Prime, by Sarah Hart" and "Livros para combater a procrastinação e desperdício de tempo." This theme provides insights into various literary works and suggests reading materials.

By analyzing these themes, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of the scope and focus of the "Literatura" category, highlighting the most relevant areas of literary discourse.