

criado em: 22:00 10-01-2023


The Enneagram is a system of personality types that describes nine different ways in which individuals see and interact with the world. Each Enneagram type has its own set of characteristics and traits, and individuals are said to have a "dominant" type that best defines their personality. The Enneagram is based on the idea that people have a particular way of understanding the world and themselves, and that this understanding shapes their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

The 9 types are :

  1. The Perfectionist
  2. The Helper
  3. The Achiever
  4. The Individualist
  5. The Investigator
  6. The Loyalist
  7. The Enthusiast
  8. The Challenger
  9. The Peacemaker

Enneagram is intended to be a tool for personal growth and development. It aims to help individuals understand their own strengths and weaknesses and how they relate to others. It is commonly used in coaching, therapy and self-help contexts.