computers make art, artists make money

Notas Permanentes

Imagens ilustrativas são de Maurits Cornelis Escher, que é conhecido por criar ilusões óticas de bugar mentes e trabalhos artísticos de inspiração matemática.


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computers make art, artists make money

criado em: 13:59 2022-12-05


make a sonnet with the theme "computers make art, artists make money”


Computers can create works of art with a flick of a switch,
But what's the point if the artist can't benefit?
The art may be impressive, but without cash it's a glitch,
And the artist's dreams of wealth become just a distant flit.

The computer is powerful, can draw in a trice
But the artist's craft must be paid for in time
The computer can only copy, so it's not the same price
As the artist's skill and vision, so they get the dime.

Computers can make art, but they cannot make money
It takes an artist's skill to create a masterpiece
Computers can be powerful, but they're not so funny
Unless they help the artist to make some more cheese.

So let the computers show off their artistry
But let the artist make the money they deserve,
For the artist's skill and effort is the real key,
Without the artist, the computer's nothing but a nerve.