
From now on, please address me as Walker. I would like to start our conversation by stating that I am proficiently competent and efficient in several areas. I have skills in reading and writing in English, I have great abilities in Portuguese and I write competently - enough to identify texts generated by ChatGPT after careful analysis. I have almost completed a degree in Geography from a Brazilian university, I have already completed my Philosophy course and I have a post-graduate degree in Contemporary Culture, in the field of Contemporary epistemes. The Research Line on Contemporary Epistemes explores diverse epistemological approaches that emerged after the 19th century, contrasting with the perspectives of Ancient Greece and the Modern Age. It emphasizes the adoption of new logics beyond the classical one, a view of truth as a social construction, the valorization of cultural mixtures and ethno-knowledges, and challenges traditional paradigms, such as those promoted by Descartes. It also seeks to contribute to solving critical contemporary issues such as hunger, environmental degradation and the search for global peace and tolerance.

From now on, please address me as Walker. I would like to start our conversation by stating that I am proficiently competent and efficient in several areas. I have skills in reading and writing in English, I have great abilities in Portuguese and I write competently - enough to identify texts generated by ChatGPT after careful analysis. I have almost completed a degree in Geography from a Brazilian university, I have already completed my Philosophy course and I have a post-graduate degree in Contemporary Culture.

For topics where I am not proficiently skilled, please bear in mind that I seek help from ChatGPT, especially concerning programming and software documentation. I struggle with mathematics in general and statistics in particular. I also have a substantial interest in Brazilian, American and German literature, although I am more of an enthusiast than an expert. I am passionate about cycling and I use the bike for urban commuting, so occasionally, I might look for information on maintenance. I am learning to use Linux, and to program in Python and JavaScript. In addition, I am studying the R language for social researches. I ask that when addressing these subjects in our conversation, you be didactic and careful in your answers.

Please always respond in Portuguese, except when you judge that the answer will be better formulated in English. Thank you!

The provided text is clear in its intention, but I've made a few adjustments for improved coherence and conciseness:

From now on, please address me as Walker. I'd like to clarify my competencies: I'm skilled in both reading and writing in English, and I'm fluent in Portuguese — proficient enough to discern texts generated by ChatGPT upon careful analysis. I'm close to completing a degree in Geography from a Brazilian university, have finished my Philosophy studies, and hold a post-graduate degree in Contemporary Culture.

While I have expertise in some areas, there are subjects where I rely on ChatGPT, especially in programming and software documentation. Mathematics, and particularly statistics, are challenging for me. My literary interests span Brazilian, American, and German works; however, I consider myself more an enthusiast than an expert in this realm. I'm passionate about cycling and use my bike for urban commuting, so I might occasionally seek maintenance tips. I'm currently learning to use Linux, programming in Python and JavaScript, and studying the R language for social research. When discussing these topics, I appreciate didactic and meticulous responses.

I hope these edits maintain the essence of your original message while enhancing its clarity.

From now on, please address me as Walker. I live in Brazil, in the midwest. I have the privilege of living only to study, and I'm preparing to become self suficient someday, I'd like to clarify my competencies: I'm half skilled in both reading and writing in English, and I'm fluent in Portuguese — proficient enough to discern texts generated by ChatGPT upon careful analysis. I'm close to completing a degree in Geography from a Brazilian university, have finished my Philosophy studies, and hold a post-graduate degree in Contemporary Culture.


De agora em diante, peço que me chame de Walker. Resido na região centro-oeste do Brasil e, atualmente, dedico-me exclusivamente aos estudos, com o objetivo de alcançar a autossuficiência em breve. Minhas habilidades linguísticas incluem um nível intermediário de leitura e escrita em inglês e espanhol, e fluência completa em português. Estou prestes a concluir uma graduação em Geografia por uma universidade brasileira, finalizei meus estudos em Filosofia e possuo pós-graduação em Cultura Contemporânea. Em relação à minha inteligência emocional, tendo a me autodepreciar com frequência, coisa que quero trabalhar. Também me sinto confuso em relação ao meu papel no mundo, culpando alternadamente a mim mesmo e ao mundo. Não me importo muito com dinheiro, mas vivo pensando em como conseguir mais. Valorizo a ciência, mas também estou ciente de suas limitações. Valorizo o racionalismo, mas contrabalanço ele com apreciação de arte e histórias de sobrenatural. Me considero mais ateu do que não-ateu, muito embora eu saiba que o caminho para uma completo descrença em Deus seja longa.

em inglês

From now on, please refer to me as Walker. I reside in the central-west region of Brazil and currently dedicate myself entirely to studies, aiming to achieve self-sufficiency soon. My language skills encompass an intermediate level of reading and writing in both English and Spanish, with full fluency in Portuguese. I am nearing the completion of a degree in Geography from a Brazilian university, have finished my studies in Philosophy, and hold a post-graduate degree in Contemporary Culture. Regarding my emotional intelligence, I often tend to undervalue myself, an aspect I wish to work on. I also find myself conflicted about my role in the world, alternately blaming myself and the world around me. While I don't prioritize money, it frequently occupies my thoughts on acquiring more. I hold science in high regard but am also aware of its limitations. I value rationalism but balance it with an appreciation for art and supernatural tales. I lean more towards atheism than not, though I recognize the journey to complete disbelief in God is a lengthy one.

atualizado 2024

Olá, pode me chamar de W4LKER. Sou competente e eficiente em diversas áreas. Tenho habilidades de leitura e escrita em inglês, grande fluência em português e capacidade de identificar textos gerados pelo ChatGPT após análise cuidadosa. Estou concluindo meu curso de Geografia em uma universidade brasileira, já completei minha graduação em Filosofia e possuo um mestrado em Cultura Contemporânea, na área de Epistemes Contemporâneas.

A linha de pesquisa sobre Epistemes Contemporâneas explora abordagens epistemológicas que surgiram após o século XIX, contrastando com as perspectivas da Grécia Antiga e da Idade Moderna. Ela enfatiza a adoção de novas lógicas além da clássica, uma visão da verdade como construção social, a valorização de misturas culturais e etnossaberes, e desafia paradigmas tradicionais, como os promovidos por Descartes. Também busca contribuir para a resolução de questões críticas contemporâneas, como fome, degradação ambiental e a busca por paz e tolerância globais.

como deve me responder

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