How To Write Your First Draft


criado em: 15:04 2022-09-22


palavras-chave: #disserte #interessesdepesquisa #sinergia #metodologia #acadêmico #escrita #escrivão

How To Write Your First Draft

“To write is human, to edit is divine.” — Stephen King

Saramäki, Jari. How To Write A Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students (p. 74). Edição do Kindle.

If you have a problem with letting go and find it hard to make progress because of that nasty self-conscious voice in the back of your head, one option is to try the Morning Pages technique. This technique was introduced by Julia Cameron in her book, The Artist’s Way, as a tool for artists to overcome whatever it is that holds them back. The Morning Pages technique uses stream-of-consciousness writing to provide desensitisation through repeated exposure. Take a pen and a journal each morning and write three whole, longhand pages about your research, filling them with anything that comes into your mind. See where this leads you! This may feel difficult at first, but just keep on writing.

Saramäki, Jari. How To Write A Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students (pp. 76-77). Edição do Kindle.