How To Write The Materials And Methods


criado em: 14:28 2022-09-22


palavras-chave: #disserte #interessesdepesquisa #sinergia #metodologia #acadêmico #escrita #escrivão

How To Write The Materials And Methods

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is. If it disagrees with experiment, it’s wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science.” ― Richard Feynman

Saramäki, Jari. How To Write A Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students (p. 47). Edição do Kindle.

All methods have limitations, as every scientist knows, and it is best to lay these out in the open. The Methods section is a good place for doing this. While limitations are often dealt with in the Discussion section, it is better to also address them immediately when the methods are introduced. This feels more honest to me. First, it feels a bit like cheating when the writer only mentions in the last paragraph of the paper that “by the way, we’re not sure that things work the way we just told you they would”. Second, it is easier for the writer to explain the limitations together with the methods. Third, it is also easier for the reader to understand the limitations and their implications if the details of the methods are fresh in her memory.

when writing Materials and Methods, be a good scientist.
Reveal everything and give the scientific community as much as you can, using data and code repositories in addition to your paper.
Always motivate method descriptions, so that the reader doesn’t have to wonder why you suddenly start explaining some procedure in detail.
Discuss limitations of your methods openly.

Saramäki, Jari. How To Write A Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students (p. 51). Edição do Kindle.