13 why buddhism is true
13 why buddhism is true
criado em:
- 03-12-2023
- 13:14
- notas: 12 why buddhism is true
- 14 why buddhism is true
- Poem with nirvana
- tags: #buddhismo #insight #meditacao #totalizante #chatgpt #vipassana #retiro-vipassana #psique #anglo
Nota 7: The Experience of Dissolving Boundaries
- The author recounts a meditation experience where they felt a sense of unity with the world.
- They describe the dissolution of the perceived boundary between themselves and the rest of the world.
- This experience challenges the conventional notion of a separate and distinct self.
Tópicos Relacionados: meditation experience, dissolution of boundaries, unity with the world
Nota 8: Essence, Oneness, and Interdependence
- The perception of oneness and interdependence is closely connected to the experience of not-self.
- Buddhist philosophy emphasizes interdependent co-arising, where things are dependent on each other for their existence and lack inherent, independent existence.
- The ideas of emptiness and oneness are not as different as they may seem, as both point to the interconnectedness of all things.
Tópicos Relacionados: essence, oneness, interdependence, emptiness, interconnectedness
Nota 9: Tanha and the Sense of Self
- Tanha, often translated as "thirst" or "craving," is tied to our sense of self and reinforces the idea of a separate and bounded self.
- Overcoming tanha is a key aspect of the not-self experience, both internally and in relation to the external world.
- Tanha fuels both attraction and aversion, which contribute to the perception of self and other.
Tópicos Relacionados: tanha, thirst, craving, sense of self, not-self experience
Nota 10: Overcoming the Three Poisons
- The three poisons of greed, hatred, and delusion are closely connected to the not-self experience.
- Greed and hatred, driven by tanha, reinforce the sense of self and other.
- Overcoming these poisons involves eradicating tanha and the illusion of self, leading to liberation and a deeper understanding of emptiness and interconnectedness.
Tópicos Relacionados: three poisons, greed, hatred, delusion, liberation, emptiness, interconnectedness