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A filosofia da tecnologia começou tarde e ainda se debate com a relação entre tecnologia e humanidade. Os avanços tecnológicos dos tempos modernos só aumentaram essas ansiedades filosóficas. No entanto, agora, mais do que nunca, os filósofos são necessários para lidar com o impacto da tecnologia sobre a vida humana e o planeta. Ignorar a tecnologia já teve um custo significativo, pois a filosofia não conseguiu fornecer a mentalidade necessária para gerenciar ou evitar as ameaças existenciais representadas por nossas práticas tecnológicas. Não se trata de uma crítica à tecnologia, mas de uma crítica ao papel da filosofia na prevenção de uma vida sem sentido. O estado atual da filosofia acadêmica pode não ser suficiente para abordar essas questões, e é necessária uma comunidade de prática mais diversificada e inclusiva. Os filósofos devem trabalhar com criadores, líderes e vozes da comunidade para moldar nosso futuro com a tecnologia, guiados pela humildade e pelo respeito. Sem um engajamento filosófico adequado, o estudo da tecnologia continuará limitado às ciências empíricas, que não podem oferecer uma visão do futuro ou de como alcançá-lo. As contribuições deste volume visam atender a esse chamado urgente, na esperança de inspirar outras pessoas a se juntarem à busca da sabedoria filosófica.

The Philosophy of Technology is a field of study that explores the histories and methodologies shaping the development of technology and its impact on various aspects of human life, including epistemology, politics, metaphysics, language, aesthetics, health, and ethics. The field has been influenced by the works of European thinkers such as Alan Turing, Jacques Ellul, and Martin Heidegger, as well as the empirical turn in the early 21st century, which prompted philosophers to focus on specific contemporary technoscientific developments.

The philosophy of technology intersects with a wide range of established domains of philosophy, including political theory, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics, and environmental philosophy. It is also closely related to fields such as science and technology studies (STS), anthropology, history, and sociology of technology.

The field remains relatively undertheorized, with much work yet to be done to explore the many roles that technologies play in human life, beyond the realms of economic production and political domination. This includes examining the roles of technology in creative play, artistic expression, social care, and service, as well as considering how technology might be used to promote human flourishing and the good life.

#TechHumanRelationship #AncientGreekPhilosophy #EmpiricalTurn #PhilosophyDomains #InclusiveImagination #EthicsInTech #CrossCulturalPerspectives #InterdisciplinaryApproaches #TechnologicalFutures #PracticalApplications #PhilosophyMatters #TechEthics

  1. The intimate link between technology and humanity: The chapter emphasizes how technology has profoundly shaped human thought and action throughout history, highlighting the need for a mature philosophy of technology to understand this relationship better.

  2. The historical bias against technology in ancient Greek philosophy: The chapter reveals how ancient philosophers like Plato and Aristotle devalued technology and craft knowledge, which has led to an underdeveloped understanding of technology's role in human life.

  3. The empirical turn in the philosophy of technology: The chapter highlights the shift in focus from essentialist inquiries about technology to understanding specific, contemporary technoscientific developments, which has enriched the field.

  4. The role of technology in various philosophical domains: The chapter shows that a comprehensive understanding of technology is relevant and necessary across all major domains of philosophy, including epistemology, power and politics, metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics.

  5. The need for new philosophical visions: The chapter calls for a broader and more inclusive philosophical imagination to consider technology as an expression of human freedom and creativity, beyond the traditional narratives of economic production, exploitation, and political domination.

  6. Technology's role in shaping human values and needs: The chapter emphasizes that technology materializes human values and needs, making ethics a central concern in the philosophy of technology.

  7. The potential for cross-cultural perspectives in the philosophy of technology: The chapter highlights the importance of incorporating non-Western philosophical traditions, such as Confucianism, to enrich the understanding of technology and its ethical implications.

  8. The importance of interdisciplinary approaches: The chapter showcases the value of engaging with other fields, such as science and technology studies (STS), anthropology, and history, to develop richer and more informed perspectives on technology.

  9. The challenge of uncertainty in technological futures: The chapter acknowledges the difficulties in predicting and evaluating the promises and perils of emerging technologies, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced understanding of technology's potential impacts on human flourishing.

  10. The need for practical applications of the philosophy of technology: The chapter stresses the growing importance of applying philosophical insights to real-world challenges, as technology increasingly shapes the core dimensions of social life. This highlights the relevance and urgency of the philosophy of technology in contemporary society.

These insights and highlights are important because they reveal the deep connections between technology and human life, the historical biases that have limited our understanding of this relationship, and the potential for new philosophical perspectives to help us better appreciate and navigate the complex and uncertain technological landscape we face today.