

criado em: 12:13 2022-10-13


Em um mundo onde os adultos são constantemente bombardeados com responsabilidades e estresse, a plenitude pode ser vista como uma redenção. É uma chance de se sentir completo e satisfeito, mesmo que seja apenas por um momento. A plenitude pode vir de muitas coisas: uma boa refeição, um abraço de um ente querido, ou simplesmente um momento de paz. É um lembrete de que somos mais do que apenas nossas responsabilidades; somos também seres humanos com necessidades e desejos.

In a world where adults are constantly bombarded with responsibilities and stress, fullness can be seen as a redemption. It is a chance to feel complete and satisfied, even if only for a moment. Fullness can come from many things: a good meal, a hug from a loved one, or simply a moment of peace. It is a reminder that we are more than just our responsibilities; we are also human beings with needs and desires.

Create poem with the theme "Fullness as redemption of the adult in the contemporary"

Fullness as redemption of the adult in the contemporary

The world is a weary place,

And we are its weary children.

We long for the days of our youth,

When the world was new and fresh,

And we were filled with hope.

Now, we are adults,

And the world is a weary place.

But in our fullness,

We can find redemption.

We can fill the world with our love,

And make it new again.

Create poem with the theme "Fullness"

I am so full of love
I can't even contain it
It spills out of me
In waves of warmth
And washes over everyone
I meet

I am so full of life
I can't even imagine
Ending it
It's like a bright fire
Burning inside of me
And I can't help
But share it

I am so full of hope
I can't even fathom
The alternative
It's like a bright light
Shining in the darkness
And I can't help
But follow it