o individualista e os amantes do tarô

o individualista e os amantes do tarô

criado em: 22:13 10-01-2023


If the Enneagram type Four, the Individualist, were to be associated with a tarot card, it could be the tarot card known as "The Lovers".

The Lovers card is associated with themes of love, passion, and connection. It symbolizes the importance of emotional connections and the choice between following one's heart or one's head. The card often depicts a couple making a choice to be together and the implication of a deeper emotional bond. The card represents also the concept of inner-values and choices, it depicts the individual in a moment of decision, choosing between what is rational and what is emotional.

This association with the Lovers card aligns with the characteristics of the Individualist, who places a high value on authenticity and emotional connection, and has a strong sense of self-awareness and individuality. Additionally, their desire for deep, intense, and emotionally open relationships fit the theme of love and connection associated with The Lovers.

It's worth to mention that tarot association with Enneagram Types is not a set standard, different readers and practitioners may have different association and the same card can be associated to different personality types depending on the context and interpretation.

o panda vermelho e o individualista