Meditation is like mountaineering approach it with care

Meditation is like mountaineering approach it with care

criado em: 12:16 16-12-2022



Yet the way mindfulness meditation is commonly branded doesn’t reflect the varieties of ways it’s practised or its consequences. While it might be simple, at least in principle, it certainly isn’t easy (...) While it can lead to positive feelings or pleasant experiences, it can also cause discomfort. Sometimes meditation leads to new or worsened anxiety, depression or other mental illness. It’s clear then that the answer to the question ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ is considerably more severe than most pundits would suggest. What’s more, the ethics, values and assumptions behind the practice aren’t always made clear. Thus, meditation is less like exercise in general than it is like mountain-climbing – something potentially strenuous that, depending on your objectives, you should approach with caution, training and an awareness of the risks.*